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AfPCA Proceedings 2024


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Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
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Abrahams, M
Adegbayi, R
Balemi, T
Buthelezi, S
Dlamini, C
Durojaiye, A.M
Fadairo, O
Kenea, W
Li, R
Liang, W
Lund, E
Matongera, T
Mutanga, O
Mutanga, O
Ndlovu, S
Nyagumbo, I
Nyamayevu, D
Odindi, J
Odindi, J
Sibanda, M
Woldekristos, A.N
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Remotely Sensed Data and Biophysical Variables to Predict Maize Above-Ground Biomass (AGB) in Small-Scale Farming Systems

Considering the current and projected increase in human population, approaches to optimize crop productivity to meet the rising demand are paramount. Timely and accurate maize Above Ground Biomass (AGB) measurements allow for development of models that can precisely predict yield prior to harvesting, useful for food production management and sustenance. The development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as a new generation of robust remote sensing platforms, mounted with high-resolution senso... C. Dlamini, J. Odindi, O. Mutanga, T. Matongera

2. Enhancing the Estimation of Equivalent Water Thickness in Neglected and Underutilized Taro Crops Using UAV Acquired Multispectral Thermal Image Data and Index-Based Image Segmentation

Due to the impact of climate variability and change, smallholder farmers are increasingly faced with the challenge of sustaining crop production. Taro, recognized as a future smart neglected and underutilized crop due to its resilience to abiotic stresses, has emerged as valuable for diversifying crop farming systems and sustaining local livelihoods. Nonetheless, a significant research gap exists in spatially explicit information on the water status of taro, contributing to the paradox of its... S. Ndlovu, J. Odindi, M. Sibanda, O. Mutanga

3. Sustainability of Maize Production with Farmers’ Practices and Redesigned Crop Management Practices in CRV and Jimma of Ethiopia

Multi-criteria assessment of crop management practices is vital for sustainable crop production and environmental safety. In this study, sustainability of maize production with farmer’s practice (FP), redesigned plant density plus current fertilizer use (RDCF), current plant density plus redesigned fertilizer use (CDRF), and redesigned plant density and redesigned fertilizer use (RDRF) were assessed at farm level based on social, agronomic, economic and environmental principles in Centr... W. Kenea, A.N. Woldekristos, T. Balemi

4. Optimizing Maize Production Through Minimum Tillage in Conservation Agriculture Systems: Evidence from Malawi's Lowlands

Sustainable intensification in agricultural systems has been implemented and promoted across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) as a strategy for addressing low crop productivity often resulting in widespread food and nutritional insecurity. This study sought to assess the productivity potential of conservation agriculture (CA) cropping systems and associated crop establishment techniques in terms of grain, protein and energy yield. An on-station trial was implemented at Chitala Research Station in Mal... D. Nyamayevu, I. Nyagumbo, W. Liang , R. Li

5. Use of Digital Extension Tools for Agricultural Information Management Among Cassava Value Chain Actors in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria

Poor coverage of farmers by extension services and other limitations necessitates adapting the agricultural process to new opportunities, including digital extension. This is more important for cassava value chain actors given the recognition of the crop for food security in Nigeria and its widespread promotion by several local and regional development interventions.  Therefore, the use of digital extension tools for agricultural information management among cassava value chain actors in... O. Fadairo, A.M. Durojaiye, R. Adegbayi

6. Human-Powered Proximal Soil Sensing for Small Farms

Over the past 25 years several on-the-go proximal soil sensors have been developed, commercialized, and adopted by crop consultants, retailers, and growers for mapping large fields and farms. These technologies are used to map soil texture--which impacts water and nutrient holding capacity, organic matter--a measure of soil health and productivity, and pH—which directly affects nutrient availability.  Typically, these sensors are deployed with tractors or other off-road vehicles, u... E. Lund

7. Assessing the Potential of UAV-Acquired Multispectral Imagery Combined with Machine Learning Techniques in Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Taro And Sweet Potato in Smaller Holder Farms

... M. Abrahams

8. Assessing the Utility of Image Segmentation Techniques and Leaf Area Index in Improving Taro Yield Prediction Based on UAV-Acquired Multispectral Data in Smallholder Croplands

... S. Buthelezi