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AfPCA Proceedings 2024


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On-Farm Experimentation
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Adolwa, I
Cook, S
Gumede, N
Kitonyo, O
Lutomia, C
Muthamia, J
On-Farm Experimentation
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. The Value and Potential of On-Farm Experimentation to Catalyze Agricultural Transformation

On-farm experimentation (OFE), which inculcates farmers’ agency in knowledge discovery, has the potential to support and accelerate transformative agronomy at scale. The OFE process within the Nutrient-Catalyzed Agricultural Transformation in Africa (NUTCAT) project, encompasses farmer engagements, set-up of simple, easy-to-understand treatment designs, and contextual analysis of the data to enhance the relevance of the results to farmers. Ultimately, it is envisaged that this process w... I. Adolwa, J. Muthamia, C. Lutomia, , S. Cook

2. On-Farm Experimentation Process Triggers Farmers’ Zeal to Test Technologies in Maize Systems of Embu County, Kenya

To faster farmer participation, knowledge transfer and innovation among all actors, there the need to rethink the process of conducting research. Initiated in 2022, the African Plant Nutrition Research Fund maize project (APNRF maize) set out validate a package of soil moisture and fertilizer nitrogen management practices, and to track farmer adoption of better agronomic practices as supported by data through on-farm experimentation (OFE) process. Prior to the establishment of experiments, fa... O. Kitonyo

3. Benefits of Precision Agriculture in Sugarcane Farming: A case of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

... N. Gumede