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1. Development of a Decision Support Tool to Derive Site-specific Nutrient Management Recommendations for Maize Production Using Machine LearningAgriculture is the main source of food and income for rural communities in developing countries, especially in Africa. Given current population growth, pressures on agricultural systems will continue to increase. Many countries have agricultural economies that are highly dependent on agricultural productivity. For example, several variables can influence fertilization for optimal grain yields. Quantifying the effects and relative importance of soil properties such as soil type, pH, Olsen-P, climate,... O. Ennaji, L. Vergutz, A. El allali |
2. Phosphorus, a Key Nutrient for a Sustainable AgricultureIn the presentation I will discuss about the dichotomy regarding P between the northern (temperate conditions) and southern (tropical conditions) realities. I will bring the case of Brazil and how the correct management of P was important for the development of its agriculture. At the end, I will close talking about how we need to shift our focus towards improving P use efficiency to solve our issues (both where it is lacking and where it is in excess) and the way to achieve it. ... L. Vergutz |